awards, publications and exhibitions 2015

exhiibited in the

LACDA 12th Annual "Snap to Grid" Exhibit

December 10, 2015-January 2, 2016


"love me tender"

Finalist in the WPGA 8th Julia Margaret Cameron Award



Honorable Mentions for

"a rainy day" and "signs"

in the ND Awards Photo Contest 2015

Das Rheingold - Der Ring in Minden

images from my series of the production have been published in various online and print magazines 

- Neue Westfälische

- Westfalenblatt nr 211

- Online Musik Magazin

- Online Merker Wien

- Der Opernfreund

- theater:pur

- Westfölische Nachrichten

- Das Opernglas Berlin

- Opernwelt Hamburg

- orpheus München

- nmz

- Das Orchester 



gold for "a rainy day"

winner "cityscapes"

1st Fine Art Photography Awards


"kopflos" and "of waves and edges"  received Nominations in the 1st Fine Art Photography Awards


neuauflage der CD "cellopera"

der vier evangcellisten

mit meinen Fotos


"of waves and edges"


LACDA 11th Anniversary Represented Artists Exhibit

April 9-May 14, 2015




LACDA International Group Exhibit

March 12-April 4, 2015