awards and publications 2011
Special Mention of the Award Director Julio Hardy 2011 WPGA Pollux Award
20,320 images were received from 72 countries, in 6 monthly consecutive contests, whose results were merged to select the overall awardees...
portfolio of images featured in camerapixo magazine issue14
Honorable Mention in the 2011 Pollux Award (overall, fine art)
1st prize in the 2011 Pollux Award September (people)
Honorable Mention in the 2011 Pollux Award July (fine art)
special mention of the Jury in the WPGA B&W 2nd edition comp 2011 (fine art)
Honorable Mention in the 2011 Pollux Award (overall, children)
3rd prize in the 2011 Pollux Award July (children)
runner up in the WPGA 2nd edition People & Portraits 2011
Honorable Mention in the WPGA Interregional Contest 2011
published in "Portraits and People around the World 2011"
Honorable Mention in the 2011 Pollux Award (overall, culture and daily life)
1st prize in the 2011 Pollux Award May (culture and daily life)
3rd prize in the WPGA B&W 2nd edition comp 2011 (fine art)
nominee in 6th Annual Black&White Spider Award (fine art)
nominee in 6th Annual Black&White Spider Award (fine art)